Yellow Pages 3.0
Pijnacker-Nootdorp has an excellent working climate and it is therefore extremely useful to have an overview of all those activities. Not long ago we used the telephone book or the Yellow Pages for this, nowadays we find everything we are looking for on the internet. Consumers and companies do that via the PC, laptops and more and more via tablets and especially the smartphone. That is exactly why this local / regional business page website has been set up. The design can be local when it comes to the larger cities, but also regionally with the mention of all municipalities within a certain region. In this way the local / regional business directory website has national coverage.
We have a nice domain name per municipality, which literally occurs 1 on 1 on Google indexing. Searches for specific companies in a certain municipality are directly referred to that particular municipality website. This means that the placement of your company or organization on one of our “municipal websites” has a direct positive influence on the findability and visibility of your own website on Google.
Purpose of the local / regional business directory website:
It is unbelievable how many companies and companies there are in Pijnacker-Nootdorp, but a good and complete overview of all these companies is actually not immediately available. The local / regional business directory website tries to do something about it.
We do this by, among other things, enumerating the possibilities that the city of Pijnacker-Nootdorp offers, such as:
- Pijnacker-Nootdorp News
- Pijnacker-Nootdorp Companies
- Pijnacker-Nootdorp Events
- Pijnacker-Nootdorp Restaurants
- Pijnacker-Nootdorp Tapas Dining Facilities
- Pijnacker-Nootdorp Lunch
- Turkish Restaurants in Pijnacker-Nootdorp
- Fish restaurants in Pijnacker-Nootdorp
- Halal Restaurants in Pijnacker-Nootdorp
- Chinese Restaurants in Pijnacker-Nootdorp
- Shopping in Pijnacker-Nootdorp
- Shopping centers in Pijnacker-Nootdorp
- Vacancies in Pijnacker-Nootdorp
- MKB-Companies in Pijnacker-Nootdorp
- Advertising in Pijnacker-Nootdorp
There is already some kind of distinction here between main categories, such as Pijnacker-Nootdorp restaurants, and subcategories, such as Chinese restaurants, halal, lunches and tapas.
That is how we proceeded. First we take all major categories such as News, Restaurants, Shopping, Vacancies, Events and Companies and subdivide them into all possible subcategories. This gives you a truly comprehensive overview of everything that is happening in the city of Pijnacker-Nootdorp.
A step further!
However, it does not stop there, because is not just about listing companies, services and organizations in this city. We also offer the possibility to give substance to all these companies on this website by creating their own place.
This means that we not only mention the name of your company, but you can also put all the necessary information about your company on your own webpage on this online local / regional business directory.
You get your own home page and the option to further expand this page with even blogs about what you are doing or selling. Blogs can be linked internally to your company page or your own website. That fact promotes the search results on Google.
The goal of course is to increase your findability on the internet, and that is precisely why has been created.
Instead of having to go through all search results on a specific subject to find the information you are looking for, you now have everything about companies, companies and services under one roof. With a few simple clicks you will not only receive the basic information of a company, but also any additional information that may be requested.
Lion Internet
Lion Internet is the organization that has undertaken the tasak to start and further develop this local / regional business directory website with optimum national coverage. Lion Internet is a company that specializes in link building and online marketing.
Link building is the generation of links from external web pages to a specific website, with the aim of achieving a higher rating for a search engine such as Google for keywords relevant to that web page (Wikipedia).
In other words, it is making sure that people, who are looking for something on the internet that your company is working on, actually end up on your website or page.
Online marketing covers all online activities that a company implements to promote the sale of products and services. (Wikipedia) SEO plays a very important role in link building and online marketing.
SEO (Search Engine Optimization) or search engine optimization. Search engine optimization is the whole of activities, intended to make a web page score high in the organic search results of a search engine, on the keywords, keyword combinations and search terms relevant to the web page. (Wikipedia)
So what it comes down to is that Lion Internet will do everything it can to ensure that people end up directly or indirectly on your website. By creating your own business page on one of the local or regional business directory websites you obtain a monopoly position on the first page of Google. That gives you a huge lead over your competitors.
The process at work
The website is already fully present: and operational. This means that from now on we can start filling the site with the specific web pages of the participating companies.
If you browse through the various categories and subcategories, you will see how incredibly comprehensive this website is.
The first step for participation consists of clicking on the tab “company registration”. You read through what our organization can do for you, fill in the contact page below and send it to us.
We then will put you into contact with one of our ambassadors. These people visit the various companies and explain the working method and all the options you have to become part of your local / regional business directory website.
If you are interested, you can enter your own web page on the site itself or use the additional options that Lion Internet has to offer to create an entire webpage for you.
We are always looking for ambassadors / guest editors and bloggers who are the connecting element between your company and our website. That way we keep the contacts personal and you, as a company, actually have a real contact person.
Web pages must be filled in with texts, images and even online videos, all intended for an optimal presentation of your company. Lion Internet has writers to help you, for example, to create a landing page or even write blogs. Lion Internet also makes online videos, an excellent way to promote your business with this fastest growing method of marketing tools.
In addition to outsourcing this type of assignment, you can also subscribe to our SEO service, which ensures you on a monthly basis that your web page meets all SEO requirements.
And then of course there is the cost. This is also a topic that our ambassadors will explain to you.
To give you an idea: for listing your company (so your own web page) on one of our local / regional business directory websites, you only have to pay € 8 per month!
However, it will also be possible to advertise on other local or regional websites to further increase awareness and findability of your company.
For some entrepreneurs, the online world is a piece of cake and they can make their own way on the marketing world of the world wide web. It is very important for every company to ensure that they are found by people who are looking for the type of company that you have.
That is possible on one of our many municipal websites.
We make it not only possible to find your business, but we can also make sure that you are easier to find.
This entire strategy aims to ensure that your company cannot only continue to exist, but is able to grow further through the greater awareness and monopoly position on our website. That is exactly what every entrepreneur wants.
You can achieve this by using the possibilities that has to offer.